This may be the best burger you’ve ever had. These patties are packed with onion, garlic, cheese, peppers, cilantro and chorizo and a chili smash sauce. You can’t go wrong.


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  1. Start your fire or heat up a cast iron pan on the stove: Whether you are cooking on a stovetop or an open flame, be sure to get your surface really hot before cooking your burgers.
  2. Preparing the Burgers:  Chop and dice your onions, hot pepper/s, cheese, garlic, and cilantro.    Cook your chorizo in a pan until it is completely cooked.Put your ground beef into a bowl. Add diced onions, hot pepper/s, cheese, garlic cloves, and cilantro into the bowl.  Add the cooked chorizo and a cracked egg. Mix up the meat thoroughly. Once mixed, form small golf sized balls of meat, cover and put to the side.
  3. Make your Smash Sauce: There are many variations to a good Smash Sauce. We suggest mixing about 2 parts mayonnaise with 1 part mustard and relish and then drizzling chili oil over it. This is our own special ratio and we suggest you mix to taste so that you have a sauce you will enjoy.
  4. Cook Buns and Assemble: Cook your buns on a greased pan until brown. Apply the Smash Sauce, and your garnish (tomatoes, avocados, papalos leaves.) Set buns to the side.
  5. Caramelize Onions and Cook Burgers: Place small pile/s of sliced onions on a hot greased surface and cook until they begin to brown. Put the meat burger/balls directly on top of the cooking onion piles. After a minute smash and flatten the burgers down as thinly as you can. Some people use large spatulas to flatten their burgers. We flatten our burgers by placing a sheet of aluminum foil over each burger and pressing them down with a tea kettle or a cup. Once pressed, these burgers cook quick. Flip when the edges of the burger are crisp and brown. Cook the other side for another minute or two and then place your burgers on the buns and serve.
  6. Enjoy this incredible Burger: